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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart ▲ Projektende
C02.0059 Ground based measurements of atmospheric water vapour profiles COST Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 29.09.2006
100308 Assistenz zur Programmleitung Brennstoffzellen BFE Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2004
02.0414 PREPARED: Application of pratical experience gained from two recent large eathquakes in the south iceland seismic zone in the context of earthquake prediction research to develop technology for ... EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.07.2005
C02.0062 Hierarchical organisation of optical nanocomposites COST Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2004
03.0008 VERA 2: Video enforcement for road authorities EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 29.11.2004
02.0400-2 ERATO: Identification, evalutation and revival of the acoustical heritage of ancient theatres and odea EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
03.0105 ELCAI: European landscape character assessment initiative EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.05.2005
02.0193 ORGANIC HACCP: Recommendations for improved procedures for securing consumer oriented food safety and quality of certified organic foods from plough to plate EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2005
02.0400-1 ERATO: Identification, evalutation and revival of the acoustical heritage of ancient theatres and odea EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
02.0191 EISFOM: European information systems for organic markets EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
03.0030 SOWA: Integrated soil and water protection: risks from diffuse pollution EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2005
01.0499-3 ISONET: 400 years of annual reconstructions of European climate variability using a high resolution isotopic network EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.07.2006
02.0340-1 EUROSOCAP: The development of European standards on confidentiality and privacy in healthcare among vulnerable patient populations EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
01.0499-2 ISONET: 400 years of annual reconstructions of European climate variability using a high resolution isotopic network EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.10.2006
02.0361 TOUGH: Targeting optimal use of GPS humidity measurements in meteorology EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
01.0499-1 ISONET: 400 years of annual reconstructions of European climate variability using a high resolution isotopic network EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.07.2006
02.0239-2 CATHLEAN: Catalytic hybrid lean-premixed burner for gas turbines EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.10.2006
02.0387 DEMOTEC-A: Development of a monitoring system for cultural heritage through European co-operation - accompanying measure EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.07.2004
01.0443 CADOX: A coupled advanced oxidation-biological process for recycling of industrial waste waters containing persistent organic contaminants EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.07.2006
7F-02515.03 Support to the development of the financial sector in Bolivia DEZA Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.12.2005
02.0239-1 CATHLEAN: Catalytic hybrid lean-premixed burner for gas turbines EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.03.2007
100300 Studie zur Herstellung von graduierten Anodensubstraten für die Festoxidbrennstoffzelle BFE Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 29.09.2003
01.0438-3 RECIPE: Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.05.2006
2004-DP-DPKJ-01 SECO Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.11.2003
03.0006 TSEP: The Third Sector and the Development of European Public Policy EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2003 30.07.2005