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NR ▼ Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart Projektende
98.0243 BANDWIDTH 2000: An information infrastructure for bandwidth trading EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 30.12.2000
98.0239 Optimisation of bioproductivity by engineering the response of yeast to starvation EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.10.1998 30.10.2000
98.0237 OXITB: Oxidative response as a TB drug target EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.1999 29.09.2000
98.0236 MAD: Multimedia access and distribution EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1998 30.08.2000
98.0234-3 INCOMPRO: Intelligent composite products EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.2001
98.0234-2 INCOMPRO: Intelligent composite products EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.2001
98.0234-1 INCOMPRO: Intelligent composite products EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.2001
98.0233-2 HIPARMS: Highly productive and reconfigurable manufacturing system EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 29.09.2001
98.0233-1 HIPARMS: Higly productive and reconfigurable manufacturing systems EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 29.06.2001
98.0232-2 SLAPS: Self-tuning and user-independent laser material processing units EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.1999 30.08.2002
98.0232-1 SLAPS: Self-tuning and user-independent laser material processing units EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.1999 30.08.2002
98.0231 Structural dynamics of proton pumps EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1998 29.09.2000
98.0230-2 HARMONY: Coping with the complexity of business innovation EU FRP Abgeschlossen 14.10.1998 13.10.2002
98.0230-1 HARMONY: Coping with the complexity of business innovation EU FRP Abgeschlossen 14.10.1998 13.10.2002
98.0227 INDICOAT: Determination of hardness and modulus of thin films and coatings by nanoindentation EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1998 29.03.2001
98.0226-2 TERMIS: High-temperature / high-voltage mixed-signal SOI ASICs for aerospace applications EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.10.1998 29.04.2001
98.0226-1 TERMIS: High-temperature / high-voltage mixed-signal SOI ASICs for aerospace applications EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.10.1998 30.12.2001
98.0225 MADBRIC: Mixed analog digital broadband integrated circuit EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1998 30.08.2001
98.0224-3 IMPACT: Implementation of agents for CAC on an ATM testbed EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.06.1998 28.02.2000
98.0224-2 IMPACT: Implementation of agents for CAC on an ATM testbed EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.06.1998 28.02.2000
98.0224-1 IMPACT: Implementation of agents for CAC on an ATM testbed EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0223 EUROSTILL: A concerted European initiative towards the standardisation of the next generation still image compression EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.1998 30.08.1999
98.0222 MNTFR: Monitoring of non-timber forest resources based on indicators assessed in various data sources EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.1999 29.04.2002
98.0216 EU PVNB POT: Evaluation of the potential of pv noise barrier technology for the electric production and market share EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.1998 27.02.1999
98.0215 DIFUSO: Diesel fuel and soot - fuel formulation and its atmospheric implications EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1998 30.07.2000