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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus ▼ Projektstart Projektende
C14.0089 Allotment Garden Communities and their contribution to Neighbourhood Development COST In Bearbeitung 31.01.2015 27.02.2017
C14.0063 Assessing non-target risks of candidates for the biological control of ragweed in Europe COST In Bearbeitung 31.01.2015 30.01.2017
C14.0065 New organizational forms of urban garden management COST In Bearbeitung 31.01.2015 29.09.2016
C14.0049 Planet habitability in light of state-of-the-art models of host stars COST In Bearbeitung 31.01.2015 30.01.2018
2015EDA05 Projekte und Workshops zum Thema "Printemps arabe"; Kleinprojekte bis max. 10'000.00 AIS In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2015
C14.0068 Reduced Basis Preconditioners for Parametrized Differential Problems (RB-Prec) COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2017
C14.0070 A high-throughput approach to in vitro anti-leishmanial drug screening-rapidly short-listing biologically effective drugs for in vivo trials COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2017
C14.0071 High accuracy integral equation methods for computational bio-electromagnetics COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2017
C14.0073 Synchrotron Microbeam Radiation Therapy for Animal Patients: Trial towards Clinical Use in Radio-Oncology COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2017
C14.0074 Analysis and manipulation of strigolactone biosynthesis in petunia COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 29.11.2016
C14.0075 Acting on long range charge transfer and localization in molecular systems with intense single cycle THz pulses COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2016
C14.0076 Establishment and validation of parameters suitable for automatised and early detection of animal well-being and metabolic balance in dairy cows in pasture based feeding systems COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 29.06.2017
C14.0084 Freiraumbezogene Waldentwicklung in urbanen und suburbanen Räumen der Schweiz - SUBURBFOR COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2016
C14.0025 A Travel Standard for Aerosol Optical Depth in the UV (UVAOD) COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 29.06.2017
C14.0036 Structure and Dynamics of Collaborative Information Spaces COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 29.06.2017
C14.0037 Alpine treelines in a warmer world: synthesis of a nine-year CO2 enrichment and six-year soil heating experiment COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 29.06.2016
C14.0040 Friction on the atomic scale across phase transitions COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2017
C14.0041 Integrating Species Mixtures in Tree Growth Functions for Forest Development Models in Switzerland (Swiss-SpeMixMod) COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.05.2017
C14.0046 Towards the next generation of forest gap models: Sensitivity analysis and Bayesian calibration of ForClim COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.05.2018
C14.0091 Design and characterisation of polymer-ceramic fibre interphase in hybrid materials for ultrasonic application (PolCerIntHyb) COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.10.2016
C14.0099 Thin lead free ferroelectric fibres with oriented grain growth by tailoring inorganic-organic interface (LeaFInOrFace) COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 29.06.2016
C14.0105 Inter-Agency Collaboration in the Field of Social Assistance: Structures and Processes at the Case Level COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.08.2016
C14.0132 Strigolactones as regulators of the rhizosphere microbiome COST In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 27.02.2017
14008AFSL Une gouvernance intégrant le risque - cc ARE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.03.2018
SI/501194 Organisation und Durchführung von «Science Brunches» BFE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2014 30.12.2019