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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus ▲ Projektstart Projektende
43521.1 IP-LS Investigating the enhanced mucosal immune response against vaccines and protection against bacterial infections promoted by the ATPase Apyrase INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.10.2020 30.04.2023
46850.1 IP-ENG EMERALD - Emerging ALD Technology for the Swiss Optics Industry INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.10.2020 31.10.2023
46994.1 IP-LS Smart-Dynamic Spine Implant INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.10.2020 30.04.2023
47337.1 IP-EE Brauchwarmwasserspeicher BWW++ INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 07.10.2020 07.04.2023
48367.1 IP-ENG Materials with Improved Reusability and Adaptive Chemistry for Layer-manufacturing of Eyewear (MIRACLE) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.11.2020 28.02.2023
48837.1 IP-SBM Enabling investment analysis in the Swiss Para-Banking Sector (SPBS) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2020 31.12.2023
47700.1 IP-LS Automated Synthesis of Protein Degraders for Drug Discovery INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.10.2020 31.10.2024
44198.1 IP-SBM An ESG-based Investment Case for Absolute Return Funds INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 31.12.2023
49528.1 IP-ENG Contactless separation and concentration of Legionella species in drinking water installations Vs.2 INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2020 31.12.2023
45594.1 IP-ICT Progress in process scale-up and product quality optimization for plant protein-based meat analogues by intelligent high moisture extrusion process control (SensAI) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 28.02.2021 31.08.2023
45672.1 IP-LS Using computational approaches to repurpose a safe clinical compound INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 30.09.2022
42705.1 IP-LS #Pro-Berry# Protective cultures as alternative strategy for the biopreservation of fruits and vegetables based on the model #strawberry# INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2020 31.12.2022
47744.1 IP-ENG Ion Beam Sputtering of 2D materials # A new approach INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 31.01.2023
46956.1 IP-ENG Pulsed laser for soft tissue ablation (V2) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 30.11.2023
46966.1 IP-ICT CHEM::AI # Predicting and Exploring Novel Chemical Spaces Using Artificial Intelligence INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 31.03.2023
48289.1 IP-ENG Adaptive data-driven controller for non-linear lightweight structures and high-precision machines INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2020 31.12.2023
48116.1 IP-SBM Return on Compliance für Schweizer Unternehmen (RoC) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.01.2021 31.12.2023
48335.1 IP-ICT Confidential Data Analytics based on Trusted Execution Environments INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.11.2020 31.05.2023
37684.1 IP-ENG 3D Micro-casting of complex metal parts for watch components INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.11.2020 28.02.2023
45748.1 IP-ICT PMF-Vision - Digital assistant to facilitate assembly INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 30.06.2023
46093.1 IP-LS Targeted vitamin delivery to the microbiome for improved gut health INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.01.2021 31.12.2023
46639.1 IP-ENG Novel Digital Approach for High Performance Radio Frequency Synthesis and Analysis INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 30.09.2023
48377.1 IP-SBM Smarte Modelle für Strategie- und Führungsprozesse in der Gemeinde von morgen (InoVille 4.0) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 30.09.2020 31.03.2023
45352.1 IP-EE BlueEye+Core INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 29.09.2020 29.03.2023
44692.1 IP-SBM Algorithmic Fairness in data-based decision making: Combining ethics and technology INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2020 31.03.2023