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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus ▲ Projektstart Projektende
16126 Kombinierte Besucherinformation Mont-Crosin / Mont Soleil, Villeret BFE Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.12.1998
18562 Hinterlüftete, transparent wärmegedämmte Vorhangfassadenelemente BFE Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.12.1999
96.0269 THERMAL VALUES: Analysis, selection and statistical treatment of thermal properties of building materials for the preparation of harmonised design values EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.03.1999
96.0299 RODCI: Reconfigurable optical devices for chip interconnects EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.06.1999
96.0303 Risk assessment with genetically engineered woody plants expressing virus coat protein gene EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
96.0285 Family change and the welfare state in Europe. Long-term developments, new challenges, and institution-building EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
96.0315-1 TREMOR: Development and validation of new assistive devices for the treatment of disability caused by tremor EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.04.2000
96.0315-2 TREMOR: Development and validation of new assistive devices for the treatment of disability caused by tremor EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.04.2000
95.0765 Phase Coherent Dynamics of Hybrid Nanostructures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.2001
95.0905 Comparative evaluation of European methods for sampling and sample preparation of soils EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.12.1999
96.0010 GABA(A) Receptor Subtypes : structure, function, distribution and pharmacology EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.01.2000
95.0840 ELECTRONET: High voltage electrical network information exchange for planning and analysis EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.12.1999
95.0847 SNOW-TOOLS: Research and development of remote sensing methods with main focus on snow hydrology EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
95.0830 BROADCAST-WG: Basic research on advanced distributed computing - from algorithms to systems working group EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
96.0072 Biochemical and genetic analysis of the class II gene transcription machinery and associated factors EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.2001
96.0046-1 PHAGE CLUB: The biotechnological use and further development of phage display EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.12.1999
96.0093 Sorting of endosomal and lysosomal proteins by molecular machineries EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.05.2002
96.0101 Biomolecular complexes mediating membrane biogenesis and translocation EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
96.0049 Mechanisms of axonal growth in plasticity and regeneration EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
96.0079 WAVEFRONT: GPS/Water Vapour Experiment for regional Operational Network Trials EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
96.0117 SUMMIT: Silicon Substrates Multi-Chip Modules for Innovative Products EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.04.1999
96.0219-1 FOMM: Forming of new metallic materials EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.04.2000
95.0065-1 OFFICE: Retrofitting research actions to improve the energy performance and indoor working conditions in office buildings EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 27.02.1999
95.0009 PARIS: Performance analysis of road structures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 30.01.1999
95.0355 CANIGO: Canary Islands Azores Region - Particle Flux and Paleocanography in the eastern boundary current EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1996 29.09.1999