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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR ▲ Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
02.0437 Nanocage materials - the design and characterisation of multifunctional materials of tomorrow PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2006
02.0438 ACTION: Antidiuresis using vasopressin-V2-receptor agonists as treatment of incontinence PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.2002 30.08.2005
02044 Atteintes à la santé causées par les transports routier et ferroviaire / Actualisation des coûts externes pour l'année 2000 ARE Terminé 05.02.2003 08.01.2005
02.0440 EUPEAH: Glucocorticoid Hormone Programming in Early Life and its Impact on Adult Health PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2007
02.0441 BIONIC EAR: The bionic ear, a new approch to trigger repair mechanisms in the inner ear PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2001 30.12.2004
02.0442 CONSOL: Connection technologies for thin film solar cells PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 29.06.2005
02.0444 CELL THERAPY: Development of new therapies for brain tumours using encapsulated cell technology PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2001 29.11.2003
02.0445-1 EUREGENETHY2: European cooperation network to collect & disperse ethical, safety & regulatory data in order to facilitate clinical implementation of gene transfer technology (gene therapy) PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.2002 30.10.2005
02.0447 METALLOPHYTES: An integrated approach towards removal by plants of toxic metals from polluted soils PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.2002 29.06.2004
02.0448 HASSIP: Harmonic analysis and statistics for signal and image processing PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.2002 29.09.2006
02.0449 MAAPHRI: Multidisciplinary Approach to Airborne Pollutant Health Related Issues: Modelization with Combustion Engine Exhausts PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.2002 29.11.2005
02045 Dommages causés aux bâtiments par les transports / Actualisation des coûts externes pour l'année 2000 ARE Terminé 04.02.2003 30.12.2004
02.0452 MICROMEDICS: Access to and support for biomedical microdevices PCRD EU Terminé 30.06.2002 29.06.2005
02.0453 LICOM +: Competence centre microsystems - liquid handling competence centre PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 29.04.2005
02.0454 NETMED: Virtual institute on micromechatronics for biomedical industry PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 30.12.2005
02.0455 THERAVAC: Evaluation of a new therapeutic vaccination strategy for HIV infection PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.2002 29.09.2008
02.0456 Ground State Energy Splittings in a Tetrahedral Co(III) Complex PCRD EU Terminé 02.03.2003 01.04.2003
02.0458 BVDV-Control: Thematic Network on Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVDV) Control PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.2002 30.03.2005
02.0458-1 Thematic Network on Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVDV) Control PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.2002 30.03.2005
02046 ARE Terminé 15.12.2002 30.12.2003
02.0460 TAR MEASUREMENT STANDARD: Standardisation of a guideline for the measurement of tars in biomass producer gases PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.2002 29.11.2005
02047 Monitoring Urbaner Raum Schweiz ARE Terminé 09.12.2002 30.03.2003
02048 Ex post Analyse der räumlichen Auswirkungen der Verkehrsinfrastrukturen, Fallstudie S-Bahn Zürich ARE Terminé 13.01.2003 13.12.2004
02049 Erstellen und Bereinigen Eingabe "Nachhaltiger Freizeitverkehr Luzern" ARE Terminé 10.12.2002 10.12.2002
02.05 Regenwassereinsatz in der Speisepilzzucht OFAG Terminé 12.02.2002 30.12.2003