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Résultats de la recherche

NR ▲ Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
02.0367 6POWER: IPv6, QoS & Power Line Integration PCRD EU Terminé 30.06.2002 29.06.2004
02037 Zeitreihen aus den Verkehrsmikrozensen 1974 bis 2000 ARE Terminé 29.10.2002 30.03.2004
02.0372 INTUSER: Information network on the technology of utilisation and sustainability of energy resources PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2001 30.12.2004
02.0373 MADIERA: Multilingual access to data infrastructures in the European research area PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.2002 27.02.2006
02.0374 METADATER: Management and production system for social science surveys PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 29.04.2006
02.0375 FABRIC: Federated applications based on real-time interacting components PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.2002 29.04.2004
02038 Verifizierung der PM10-Emissionen des Schienenverkehrs / Bestimmung der PM10-Massenkonzentration und des Eiesenanteils ARE Terminé 27.10.2002 04.11.2002
02.0380-1 TSELAB: Human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: the european diagnostic laboratory PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.2002 30.08.2005
02.0382-2 PINCHE: Policy interpretation network on children's health and environment PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 30.12.2005
02.0383 CCMICRO: Competence centre for microactuators and non-silicon microsystems PCRD EU Terminé 30.06.2002 29.06.2005
02.0384 EN-VIE: European network for vascular disorders of the liver PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2003 29.09.2006
02.0385 MWFM: From molecular wires to functional materials PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.2002 29.09.2005
02.0387 DEMOTEC-A: Development of a monitoring system for cultural heritage through European co-operation - accompanying measure PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.2003 30.07.2004
02.0388 RESQ: Resources for quantum information PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 30.12.2005
02039 HPM-ÖV-MobilCenter: Vorbereitung der Planungsphase ARE Terminé 11.11.2002 02.12.2003
02.0391 ARIANNE: Feasibility study of yarns and fabrics with annexed electronic functions PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 30.12.2003
02.0393 MONOPLA: Monolithic short optical pulse diode laser for ultrahigh speed communications PCRD EU Terminé 31.05.2002 30.05.2005
02.0394 EMF: Electromagnetic forming of tube and sheet metal for automotive parts PCRD EU Terminé 31.07.2002 30.07.2006
02.0396 BISON: Biology-inspired techniques for self organization in dynamic networks PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 30.12.2005
02.0397 DNA BASED NANOWIRES: DNA-based molecular nanowires PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.2002 30.12.2005
02040 Grundlagen für die Standortwahl von Windenergieanlagen ARE Terminé 20.10.2002 30.12.2003
02.0400-1 ERATO: Identification, evalutation and revival of the acoustical heritage of ancient theatres and odea PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
02.0400-2 ERATO: Identification, evalutation and revival of the acoustical heritage of ancient theatres and odea PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.2003 30.01.2006
02.0401 ESPRIT-UNILEVER: Ecophysics of Spore Preservation Resistance and Injury Typing PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.2002 30.08.2004
02.0402 SAFE: Plant food allergies: field to table strategies for reducing their incidence in Europe PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.2002 30.12.2003