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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▼ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
15.0119 LAND Management: Assessment, Research, Knowledge base SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2015 27.08.2020
15.0084 Soft-bodied intelligence for Manipulation SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2015 19.12.2019
15.0273 Aging Lungs in European Cohorts SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2015 28.10.2019
15.0308 Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2015 19.11.2019
15.0149 Silicon and polyanionic chemistries and architectures of Li-ion cell for high energy battery SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2015 09.12.2018
15.0275 SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 30.06.2020
15.0295 IN-orbit Validation of European Space Technologies SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 02.08.2018
16.0050 Joint EUropean Project for International ITS/EGNSS awareness Raising SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 13.06.2019
18.00004 Cooperation Of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services under Horizon 2020 SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 28.09.2020
15.0044 Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 16.12.2018
15.0045 Cognitive Control of a Hearing Aid SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 19.12.2019
15.0044-1 Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 04.07.2018
15.0044-2 Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 29.01.2017
15.0040 Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 22.06.2021
15.0041 Use Case for European Robotics in Ophthalmologic Micro-Surgery SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 03.12.2018
15.0223 HERA Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 22.08.2021
15.0037 Flexible Pilot Scale Manufacturing of Cost-Effective Nanocomposites through Tailored Precision Nanoparticles in Dispersion SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 12.04.2018
15.0038 Eyes of Things SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 31.10.2018
15.0047 A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Platform-as-a-Service Framework Introducing Distributed Encrypted Persistence in Cloud-based Applications SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 02.10.2018
15.0054 GateOne - Innovation Service for European Smartization by SMEs SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 12.12.2018
15.0048 Solution Processed OLEDs for Lighting SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 03.06.2018
15.0051 Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 21.01.2019
15.0052 Advanced XFEL and Synchrotron based Probes of Protein Structure and Dynamics SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 17.04.2019
15.0061 "Design and development of advanced NAnomedicines to overcome Biological BArriers and to treat severe diseases" SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 26.08.2019
15.0063 Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 22.10.2019