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Résultats de la recherche

NR ▲ Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
17.00085 PanACEA, a drug development programme to shorten and simplify SEFRI En cours 28.02.2017 27.02.2022
17.00086 Pan Ebola Vaccine Innovative Approach SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 16.03.2022
17.00087 Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses SEFRI Terminé 31.10.2016 06.07.2022
17.00089 Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2017 02.07.2017
17.0009 A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention SEFRI En cours 30.09.2016 29.09.2021
17.00090 Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 02.08.2022
17.0009-1 A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention SEFRI En cours 30.09.2016 29.09.2021
17.00091 Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2017 29.11.2022
17.00092 DIVErsification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains Towards Sustainability SEFRI En cours 31.05.2017 30.05.2022
17.00093 Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency SEFRI En cours 31.05.2017 30.05.2022
17.00094 Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use SEFRI En cours 30.04.2017 29.09.2022
17.00095 Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 29.11.2022
17.00096 Pan-European Urban Climate Services SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 10.09.2019
17.00097 Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments SEFRI En cours 31.05.2017 29.11.2022
17.00098 Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 16.12.2020
17.0010 Children's Liver Tumour European Research Network SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2015 15.03.2023
17.00101 3D Advanced Metrology and materials for advanced devices SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 08.12.2019
17.00102 Metrology for nitrogen dioxide SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 05.01.2022
17.00103 Further metrology for earth observation and climate SEFRI Terminé 31.08.2017 15.05.2022
17.00104 Metrology for nitrogen dioxide SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 05.01.2022
17.00105 Hybrid metrology for thin films in energy applications SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 15.09.2021
17.00106 Hybrid metrology for thin films in energy applications SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 15.09.2021
17.00107 Hybrid metrology for thin films in energy applications SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 18.08.2021
17.00108 Metrology for hydrogen vehicles SEFRI Terminé 31.05.2017 23.06.2021