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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet ▲ Fin du projet
00.0466 EVAPCOOL: passive down draught cooling - development of key components PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 29.11.2003
7F-01457.01 DDC Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2003
5434.1;2 SNS-LS Marktforschung INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 31.01.2002
00.0399 EC ENZYMES: Industrial biocatalysis with new oxygenases in a novel electro-enzyme reactor PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 28.02.2004
99.0219-3 MOST: Mobility Management Strategies for the next decades, part Mobility management services for improving car-free weekend-tourism in the region of Zug, Switzerland PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2002
00.0416-2 EURO-ShoE: Development of the processes and implementation of management tools for the Extented User Oriented Shoe Enterprise PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 29.06.2004
00.0196 NEW: Neuromuscular assessment in the elderly worker PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 28.02.2004
00.0274 LEAF: Linking and exploring authority files PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 30.05.2004
4.02 Immunological and functional importance of the structural domains of the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 TPH Terminé 28.02.2001 29.06.2003
00.0416-1 EURO-ShoE: Development of the processes and implementation of the management tools for the extended user oriented shoe enterprise PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 29.06.2004
5441.2;3 TNS-NM Focused electron beam induced deposition of magnetic supertips and super-hard high aspect ratio diamond supertips for scanning probe microscopy INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 18.06.2006
5674.1;2 FHS-LS INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 24.11.2003
5465.1;5 TNS-NM Controlled growth of carbon nanotubes in chemical vapor deposition INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 27.03.2013
5130.1;8 EUS-ES E! 1955 / FORALL 1 Parallelization and optimal implementation of compute-intensive tasks for industrial applications INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 14.01.2004
C00.0091 Development of High Affinity Pan-somastotin Receptor Ligands and their Labelling with Radionuclides for a Broader Application in Tumor Diagnosis and Internal Radiotherapy COST Terminé 28.02.2001 27.02.2003
40151 Geothermische Karte Kanton Tessin OFEN Terminé 28.02.2001 30.03.2003
2002-3 Studie über den Einfluss des Flugverkehrs auf die Avifauna OFAC Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2003
01.04 Zukunft der agrarwissenschaftlichen Forschung OFAG Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2001
5247.1;5 FHS-IW INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 10.04.2006
4780.1;9 SUS-LS INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 15.04.2004
00.0448 MEMPHIS: Multilingual content for flexible format Internet services PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 29.06.2004
00.0447-2 DACSEIS: Data quality of complex surveys within the new European information society PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 30.07.2004
99.0401-1 VISIONS: Virtual studio for digital storytelling PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2001
C00.0104 Modelling P-runoff at the catchment level (Lake Sempach) COST Terminé 28.02.2001 29.04.2004
4939.2;4 TNS-NM Nano-design of active components on structured fiber supports of high surface area: novel approach in catalytic materials INNOSUISSE Terminé 28.02.2001 18.06.2006