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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR ▲ Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet Breeding new varieties of aromatic and medicinal plants ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Investigations on varieties, cropping methods, conditioning and plant protection strategies for aromatic and medicinal plants ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Survey and study of virus, virus-like and bacterial diseases of smal fruits and medicinal plants ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Study and monitoring of insects and spider mites on soft fruits and medicinal plants and expertise in registration of insecticides and acaricides ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Investigations on varieties, production programs and techniques, quality assessmentmethods and plant protection in greenhouse production ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Investigations on materials and techniques in greenhouse cropping systems ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Variety aspects, cultural techniques and phytosanitary problems of horticultural crop production in Southern Switzerland, with particular attention to tomato ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Investigations on varieties and cropping techniques in field vegetable production (regional peculiarities) ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Survey and study of viral and bacterial diseases of ornamental plants and vegetables in Western Switzerland ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Study and monitoring of insect pests in horticulture and expertise in registration of insecticides ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Development and improvement of the use of beneficials against insect pests in protected crops ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Breeding of new varieties of pears and apricots. Investigations on varieties of locally important fruit species ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Investigations on cropping techniques for apple, pear and apricot trees in the climatic environment of Southern Switzerland ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Development of orchard systems with consideration to their economical and ecological aspects in Southern Swiss environment ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Valorization of local chestnut production in Southern Switzerland ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Investigation of fruit tree virus diseases, development of rapid methods for their diagnosis to improve sanitary selection and survey of viral and bacterial diseases ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Study and monitoring of insects and spider mites on top fruits in Western Switzerland and expertise in registration of insecticides and acaricides ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004 Biological and biotechnical control of lepidoptera on top fruits in Western Switzerland ACW (RAC) Terminé 20.10.1999 12.02.2004
00.23 Baukostenvergleich mit dem Ausland OFAG Terminé 30.09.2000 29.11.2002 Markergestützte Züchtung für den nachhaltigen Obstbau (IP und Bio), Genressourcen im Obstbau ACW (FAW) Terminé 20.10.1999 11.02.2004 Gemüsebau: Sortenprüfung (IP/Bio), Nischenproduktion und Genressourcen ACW (FAW) Terminé 20.10.1999 11.02.2004 Sortenprüfung für den Wein- und Tafeltraubenanbau in der Deutschschweiz sowie Grundlagen zur Pilzresistenz der Rebe ACW (FAW) Terminé 20.10.1999 11.02.2004 Anbauformen, Ertragsbildung, Baumernährung und Bodenpflege zur wirtschaftlichen Produktion von qualitativ hochwertigen und marktgerechten Früchten ACW (FAW) Terminé 20.10.1999 11.02.2004 Neue Anbautechniken und Sorten in der nachhaltigen Produktion von Beerenobst unter Berücksichtigung von regionalen Aspekten ACW (FAW) Terminé 20.10.1999 11.02.2004 Entwicklung herbologischer Methoden, Prüfung anbautechnischer Verfahren und Optimierung von Anbausystemen für die nachhaltige Gemüseproduktion ACW (FAW) Terminé 20.10.1999 11.02.2004