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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet ▲ Fin du projet
22.00266 Cardiac regeneration by mRNA-triggered proliferation of cardiomyocytes SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2027
22.00313 Data and decentralized Artificial intelligence for a competitive and green European metallurgy industry SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00277 Risk and Resilience in Developmental Diversity and Mental Health SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2027
22.00269 Disrupting the Migraine continuum of care for resource constrained settings SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00215 Optimisation of nutrient budget in agriculture SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00387 All Data 4 Green Deal - An Integrated, FAIR Approach for the Common European Data Space SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
SI/502491 SupportIPGT – Support of IPGT Secretary (GNS) OFEN En cours 31.08.2022 31.05.2023
22.00435 Knowledge and climate services from an African observation and Data research Infrastructure SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00259 Advanced Nuclear Safety Evaluation of Liquid Metal Using Systems SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00116 Implementing a patient-centred and evidence-based intervention to reduce benzodiazepine and sedative-hypnotic use to improve patient safety and quality of care SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2027
23.00092 Producing novel non-plant biomass feedstocks and bio-based products through upcycling and the cascading use of brewery side-streams SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00135 Next-generation vaccines and diagnostics to prevent livestock reproductive diseases of worldwide impact SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2027
SI/502484 PV-DETECT – Beschleunigte Produktentwicklung für unkonventionelle PV-Anwendungen durch fortschrittliche Zuverlässigkeitsprüfungen in Verbindung mit frühzeitiger Erkennung von Degradation OFEN En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00210 Innovative pulse and cereal-based food fermentations for human health and sustainable diets SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00149 ANion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis from Low-grade water sources SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00293 Studying the Earth's surface with seismic methods SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00180 SOFT actuators for Wearables, Exoskeletons, and Augmenting Robotics SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00125 Augmenting and Evaluating the Physical and Digital Infrastructure for CCAM deployment SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.12.2025
22.00327 Stable Inorganic TAndem solar cell with superior device efficiency and increased durability SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00154 AI-Powered Manipulation System for Advanced Robotic Service, Manufacturing and Prosthetics SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 27.02.2026
22.00321 Low-coSt and energy-efficient hybrid Photonic integrated circuits for fibeR-optic, free-space optIcal and mmWave commuNication systems supporting Time critical networking in industrial EnviRonments SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 27.02.2026
22.00105 AI guidance for robot-assisted eye surgery SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
SI/502537 SimplyDrain2 – Einfachste Solarwärmeanlagen mit Drainback-Prinzip als Ergänzung für Warmwassererzeuger in Mehrfamilienhäusern - Phase 2 OFEN En cours 31.08.2022 29.09.2026
22.00471 PROgraMmable integrated photonic nEuromorphic and quanTum networks for High-speed imaging, communications and sEcUrity applicationS SEFRI En cours 31.08.2022 30.08.2025