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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet ▲
45085.1 IP-LS Novel method for visualizing iron nanoparticles in tissue to assess their biological safety INNOSUISSE En cours 31.10.2020 29.02.2024
59777.1 IP-EE DAFL - Concentrator for solar thermal power generation INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
49534.1 IP-ENG Retrofit von AM-Anlagen mit high-performance Steuerungen und schichtweiser Prozesskontrolle (rAMp-up) INNOSUISSE En cours 30.11.2020 29.02.2024
38934.1 IP-LS DeMoViS - Automatic Device for Mosquitos Viral Screening via DNA-based Biosensors INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2020 29.02.2024
57212.1 IP-ICT A recommender system for PhotoVoltaic-powered Smart Homes using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (PVSHxAI) INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
56222.1 IP-EE AutarQ - Hoch autarkes Photovoltaik-Wärmepumpensystem mit Kompaktwärmespeicher INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
45942.1 IP-ENG Gigawave: Applications of photonic GHz oscillators INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
53402.1 IP-EE Untergeschosse in Holz INNOSUISSE En cours 30.04.2021 29.02.2024
42810.1 IP-EE Novel #fruit growers advisory system# using connected fruit dendrometer, micro-climate data and machine learning algorithms INNOSUISSE En cours 31.10.2021 29.02.2024
61685.1 IP-LS ONCONIX: A revolutionary organoid culturing and drug efficacy testing platform for personalized response prediction to cancer therapies (Innolink: 101.951 IP-LS) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 29.02.2024
61286.1 IP-LS Cartibeads a novel cell therapy to repair cartilage damages using allogeneic transplants (Innolink: 101.493 IP-LS) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.05.2022 29.02.2024
SI/502114 The impact of energy and climate policy on the decarbonization of industry in Switzerland OFEN En cours 31.10.2020 29.02.2024
50446.1 IP-ICT P2Sr Profila Privacy Simplified reloaded: Open-smart knowledge base on Swiss privacy policies and Swiss privacy legislation, simplifying consumers# access to legal knowledge and expertise. INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2021 29.02.2024
50864.1 IP-ENG AWTiG - Advanced Waveguide Technology in Glass INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2021 29.02.2024
SI/502263 COMBLOC – Compressor system building blocks OFEN En cours 23.08.2021 29.02.2024
46752.1 IP-ICT An evaluation framework for blockchain-based applications INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2021 29.02.2024
53613.1 IP-EE Sustainable Spray Packaging Based on Cellulose for Food Preservation INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2021 29.02.2024
57739.1 IP-ENG 3DW-FRP INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
57874.1 IP-EE Cathode Coatings for Safe High-Energy-Density Batteries - CONFINED INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
58389.1 IP-ICT SmartSensorLMJ - Development of a unit for real-time and in situ of water jet-guided laser cutting process monitoring INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2022 29.02.2024
62411.1 IP-SBM SCIROCCO-POL - Maturity of integration in three ICP - integrated care providers (Vaud - Switzerland) - Innovating in reporting and management tools INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 29.02.2024
62067.1 IP-ICT Harnessing antioxidant power with AI to support professional sport coaches (Innolink: 100.077 IP-ICT) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 29.02.2024
52050.1 IP-LS Novel appetite stimulants to treat anorexia nervosa and anorexia-cachexia INNOSUISSE En cours 31.05.2021 29.02.2024
SI/502196 HPH2HD – High Pressure Hydrogen Refueling for Heavy Duty Applications OFEN En cours 28.02.2021 29.02.2024
50019.1 IP-ENG Entwicklung eines Schaltschranks für die Sicherheitsstromversorgung mit Funktionserhalt im Brandfall. INNOSUISSE En cours 28.02.2021 29.02.2024