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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▼ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
01.0363-2 ROBOSEM: Development of a smart nanorobot for sensor-based handling in a scanning electron microscope PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.06.2005
01.0363-3 ROBOSEM: Development of a smart nanorobot for sensor-based handling in a scanning electron microscope PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.06.2005
01.0363-4 ROBOSEM: Development of a smart nanorobot for sensor-based handling in a scanning electron microscope PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.06.2005
01.0276 NANOMAG: Development of innovative nanocomposite coatings for magnesium castings protection PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.03.2005
01.0216 SMART: Smart nox abatement systems for next-generation environmental technologies PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.03.2005
02.0059 EGSO: European grid of solar observations PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.07.2005
02.0022 'ECOCHROM': Eco-efficient and high performance hard chrome process PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.03.2006
01.0584 SMART-UP: Small and medium sized enterprise alliance through research in tourism - Take up PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.12.2003
01.0566 BIOFINGER: Diagnosis tool based on the measurement of molecular interactions PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.11.2005
01.0397 IRON IN HEMOCHROMATOSIS: Deleterious effects of an essential nutrient PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.04.2005
01.0551 INTERMON: Advanced architecture for inter-domain quality of service monitoring, modelling and visualisation PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.05.2004
01.0525-1 CD-MST: Multimedia tool for the promotion of microsystems PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.07.2003
01.0525-2 CD-MST: Multimedia tool for the promotion of microsystems PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.07.2003
02.0330 PM-MACH: New approach to the manufacture of complex shaped parts PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.03.2006
02.0350 CANVAD: Carbon nanotubes for microwave vacuum devices PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.06.2005
02.0358 REOST: Railway electro optical system for safe transportation PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.09.2004
02.0355 FLEXLED: Flexible polymer light emitting displays PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.06.2004
02.0306 HOLMS: High speed opto-electronic memory systems PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 29.09.2005
02.0131 ECOPOL: Novel stabilizers for sustainable production of fluoropolymers in supercritical CO2 PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.03.2005
02.0173 GLADIS: Gas laser analysis by infra red spectroscopy PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.2002 30.03.2005
02.0086 EUHEALS: Efficacy of distant healing - a four armed randomized study PCRD EU Terminé 14.03.2002 13.02.2004
02.0082-2 AMTT: Aerospace materials technology testhouse PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2002 30.08.2002
02.0048-1 BENSC: Enhanced access to the Berlin neutron scattering center PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2002 30.08.2002
01.0578 MOSES: MPEG open security for embedded systems PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2002 30.05.2004
02.0013-2 LIFEPLUS: Innovative revival of life in ancient frescos and creation of immersive narrative spaces, featuring real scenes with behavioured fauna and flora PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.2002 30.08.2004