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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet ▼ Fin du projet
62176.1 IP-ENG Basaltfaser-Bewehrung für das Bauwesen (Innolink: 100.907 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.10.2022 31.10.2025
62374.1 IP-ENG Neuartiges, modulares und gewichtsreduziertes Drucktür-System zur gezielten Erschliessung neuer Einsatzbereiche und Märkte (Innolink: 101.243 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 14.09.2022 14.09.2025
62377.1 IP-ENG Additive Manufacturing of complex Tungsten based materials (Innolink: 102.328 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 23.06.2022 23.06.2024
62224.1 IP-EE Fuel Cell Catalyst Inkjet Printing (Innolink: 100.394 IP-EE) INNOSUISSE En cours 28.06.2022 27.02.2023
62234.1 IP-ICT Innovative Visualization Tools for Big Battery Data (Innolink: 100.440 IP-ICT) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 28.02.2025
62300.1 IP-ENG SAVEDGE: Scalable AV Platform for Edge AI Computing (Innolink: 101.396 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 14.07.2022 14.07.2024
62000.1 IP-ICT Virtual Reality and Hand Exoskeleton for Mirror Therapy: a Feasibility Study (VRHEM) (Innolink: 100.533 IP-ICT) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 31.08.2023
62067.1 IP-ICT Harnessing antioxidant power with AI to support professional sport coaches (Innolink: 100.077 IP-ICT) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 29.02.2024
62053.1 IP-ICT DAC4 Health Monitoring System (Innolink: 102.209 IP-ICT) INNOSUISSE En cours 07.08.2022 07.05.2024
62411.1 IP-SBM SCIROCCO-POL - Maturity of integration in three ICP - integrated care providers (Vaud - Switzerland) - Innovating in reporting and management tools INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 29.02.2024
62231.1 IP-EE Fast Efficient Assessment of BIPV in the Building Feasibility Stage (Innolink: 101.214 IP-EE) INNOSUISSE En cours 01.08.2022 01.04.2024
56472.1 IP-SBM GreenBrick INNOSUISSE En cours 30.09.2022 31.07.2026
62180.1 IP-ENG Fly-Discovery # Drone and UWB based people and assets locating, tracking and monitoring system (Innolink: 101.135 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.08.2022 31.08.2024
62427.1 IP-SBM Investor and Stakeholder Tools for Tracking Companies# Climate Commitments, Greenwashing and ESG Trends (Innolink: 100.562 IP-SBM) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.10.2022 31.10.2024
62285.1 IP-ENG Lightweight - multi carriage linear motor (Innolink: 100.143 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 31.10.2022 30.04.2025
62790.1 INNO-ICT Sustainability Data Analysis using Unstructured Data and NLP INNOSUISSE En cours 15.06.2022 15.06.2023
61747.1 INNO-EE LIVOgas - Minibiogas für Kleinwohnform INNOSUISSE En cours 14.06.2022 14.06.2023
60097.1 INNO-ICT INNOSUISSE Terminé 15.06.2022 15.12.2022
62466.1 INNO-EE Development of the #Bestandsplatine#: A Common Data Environment as Design and Decision Supporting Tool INNOSUISSE En cours 14.06.2022 14.06.2023
62720.1 INNO-ENG Skating indoor training device INNOSUISSE Terminé 14.06.2022 14.12.2022
62476.1 INNO-ENG INNOSUISSE Terminé 14.06.2022 14.12.2022
60850.1 INNO-ENG Predictive Maintenance for Rackservers Power Supply INNOSUISSE Terminé 14.06.2022 14.03.2023
61801.1 IP-ENG M_cube - Micro Mechanical Magnetometer (Innolink: 101.507 IP-ENG) INNOSUISSE En cours 14.06.2022 14.12.2023
62468.1 INNO-ENG Modellierung und Simulation eines Kremationsprozesses INNOSUISSE Terminé 14.06.2022 14.12.2022
62602.1 INNO-EE Extrusion Kunststoffalternative aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen INNOSUISSE Terminé 13.06.2022 13.06.2023