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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▼ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
C10.0090 Controlling the Structure of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Fragments by Organic Synthesis COST Terminé 31.03.2011 30.03.2014
C10.0092 The genetic basis for the selection of goats resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes COST Terminé 31.03.2011 29.09.2013
C10.0093 “S4S”: Distributed fibre sensors with extreme performance for novel societal challenges COST Terminé 31.03.2011 30.03.2014
C10.0094 Silent goodbyes - the role of cell death in giardiasis COST Terminé 31.03.2011 30.10.2012
C10.0096 The trade of woody plants for planting: a major pathway of invasion for alien forest pests COST Terminé 31.03.2011 30.03.2014
C10.0099 Managing Care for Frail Patients COST Terminé 31.03.2011 29.11.2014
C10.0100 Identification of candidate genes responsible for zinc and iron loading into wheat grains COST Terminé 31.03.2011 27.02.2015
C10.0101 DendroNEP – Linking Dendrological Information with Net Ecosystem, Productivity of Forest Ecosystems COST Terminé 31.03.2011 29.09.2014
C10.0102 Biofortification of macro- and microelement content (Fe, Zn, Mg, Se) COST Terminé 31.03.2011 30.03.2014
C10.0134 HIPIMS for nanocomposite coatings COST Terminé 31.03.2011 29.09.2012
C10.0148 Functional genomics of Xanthomonas arboricola pathovar pruni COST Terminé 31.03.2011 30.05.2012
C09.0104 Four and Six-Coordinated Chiral Phosphorus Anions in Asymmetric Analysis, Synthesis and Catalysis COST Terminé 31.12.2010 30.12.2013
C09.0117 Governance of forest recreation - analysing the role of actors and institutions in forest management decisioin making COST Terminé 31.12.2010 29.06.2013
C09.0130 Cold ecosystems in a warmer world: tracing radiocarbon in plants and soils of high altitudes at different soil and air temperatures COST Terminé 31.12.2010 30.12.2013
C09.0139 Survey and diagnostic of oomycete diversity and taxonomy in natural and forest ecosystems using non culture based approaches: pyrosequencing, T-RFLP and full ribosome shotgun sequencing COST Terminé 31.12.2010 29.11.2012
C09.0156 Improvement of electrical SWCNT-metal interface properties for nanodevice sensors COST Terminé 31.12.2010 29.11.2014
C09.0157 Assessing the up-scaling of FLUXNET site data for regional signal extraction and model validation COST Terminé 31.12.2010 30.03.2013
C09.0159 Carbon allocation from the canopy to the soil/root system in response to environmental stress COST Terminé 31.12.2010 30.03.2014
C09.0162 Can small players make a difference? A multilevel governance assessment of the Swiss contribution to the establishment of an international regime on Biodiversity (SWIC) COST Terminé 31.12.2010 29.09.2013
C09.0163 COST Terminé 31.12.2010 30.12.2012
C09.0164 Mining High Dimensional and Heterogenous Data in EuroKUP COST Terminé 31.12.2010 29.09.2012
C09.0167 Context-Aware Simulation of trajectories of Moving Objects (CASIMO) COST Terminé 31.12.2010 27.02.2014
C09.0176 Next generation sequencing for studying viruses and RNA silencing-based antiviral defense in crop plants COST Terminé 31.12.2010 30.12.2013
C09.0021 Adaptive Chemical Systems as Sensors COST Terminé 31.12.2009 30.12.2011
C09.0028 Eddy covariance measurements of total reactive nitrogen - An essential complement to greenhouse gas flux monitoring COST Terminé 31.12.2009 29.09.2011