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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet ▼
C96.0082 COST Terminé 30.11.1996 30.07.1999
assistance asile 99 SEM Terminé 31.03.1999 30.07.1999
95.0215-1 Chromosome 1q21: Integrated analysis of expression and chromosomal organisation of genes localised on human chromosome 1q21 - implications for human disease and cancer PCRD EU Terminé 30.04.1996 30.07.1999
95.0524 MISA: Management of integrated SDH and ATM networks PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.1995 30.07.1999
99-leist-2 Leistungsvergleich im Asylbereich SEM Terminé 31.12.1998 30.07.1999
95.0331 RARAD: Risk assessment of exposure to radon decay products PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1995 30.07.1999
2.98.10 Einfluss der Liegeplatzqualität auf das Verhalten und Schäden bei Milchkühen im Boxenlaufstall OSAV Terminé 14.12.1998 30.07.1999
97.0475 European emission mitigation policy and technological evolution - Economic evaluation with the GEM-E3-EG model PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.1998 30.07.1999
96.0091 TRAFICC: Transferring European fieldbus technology to countries of central Europe PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1997 30.07.1999
10343 Erdwärmesondenfeld, Wollerau SZ OFEN Terminé 31.08.1993 30.07.1999
95.0667-1 3D-PTM: Assessement of economic and technical advantages of 3 dimensional preform transfer moulding PCRD EU Terminé 30.06.1996 30.07.1999
96.0176 ENMARIA: European network for managment of arthropod resistance to insecticides and acaricides PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.1996 30.07.1999
14869 Photovoltaïque sur toit plat OFEN Terminé 30.06.1995 30.07.1999
96.0350 Integrated water recycling and emission abatement in the textile industry PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.1997 30.07.1999
98.0166 Rational design, synthesis and evaluation of new protease inhibitors against AIDS PCRD EU Terminé 31.05.1998 30.07.1999
95.0424 ULYSSES: Urban lifestyles, sustainability and integrated environmental assessment PCRD EU Terminé 30.04.1996 30.07.1999
95.0159 Diagnosis of IBR: Improved methods for the diagnosis of ruminant alphaherpesvirus infections in relation to the control of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis PCRD EU Terminé 29.02.1996 30.07.1999
95.0115 MOMENTUM - MOSAIC: Mobility Management for the Urban Environment PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.1996 30.07.1999
95.0354 UPCYCLE: Treatment of fly ash for sound material utilization PCRD EU Terminé 31.01.1996 30.07.1999
C96.0068 Molecular and cellular analysis of the host immune reactions to infection with Neospora caninum (Apicomplexa) COST Terminé 30.11.1996 30.07.1999
95.0383-1 ECOMONT: Ecological effects of land use changes on european terrestrial mountain ecosystems. Research on ecosystemic processes in the alpine area, the Spanish Pyrenees and the Scottish Highlands. PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1995 30.07.1999
29423 E2000 Betriebsoptimierung, Anlagen Typ 3+4 / Entwicklung Auftragsmuster OFEN Terminé 30.09.1998 30.07.1999
C96.0090 COST Terminé 31.12.1996 30.07.1999
29690 AC-Manager im einem KMU-Betrieb OFEN Terminé 30.11.1998 30.07.1999
95.0560 Advanced methods of active neutron dosimetry for individual monitoring and radiation field analysis PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1995 30.07.1999