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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet ▼
96.0069 CARMEN: Preparation of a cabbage reference material for environmental monitoring and food analyses PCRD EU Terminé 31.05.1996 28.02.2000
96.0258 Development of non-replicating poxviruses as new and improved recombinant vaccine vectors PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.1996 28.02.2000
98.0057-6 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0021-1 VOTALP II: Vertical ozone transports in the alps PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
96.0282 ALCOM IT: Algorithms and complexity in information technology PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.1996 28.02.2000
97.0405-1 ERNDIM-QAP Phase II: Development of an european quality assurance program of analytical methods used in the detection of an monotoring of treatment of inherited disorders of metabolism PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
95.0689-2 VIDAS: Video assisted with audio coding and representation PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.1995 28.02.2000
95.0170-1 Development and clinical test of a MR-compatible stereotactic probe for laser-neurosurgery with real-time monitoring PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.1996 28.02.2000
95.0170-2 Development and clinical test of a MR-compatible stereotactic probe for laser-neurosurgery with real-time monitoring PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.1996 28.02.2000
98.0057-3 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0002 MITEC: Improved microstructure measurement technologies for marine near surface flux studies PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1997 28.02.2000
96.0056 From the structure and function to the design of modular proteins PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.1996 28.02.2000
98.0087 BEAR: Indicators for monitoring and evaluation of forest biodiversity in Europe PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0600-2 AROMA: Advanced resource management in service integrated multilayered HFC access networks PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0021-2 VOTALP II: Vertical ozone transports in the alps PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
95.0488-1 EXPERT: Platform for engineering research and trials PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1995 28.02.2000
97.0376 SAMPLER: Sampling device for the measurement of peroxy radicals in laboratory and field experiments PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.1997 28.02.2000
98.0057-2 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
95.0860 Collaborative study of two CEN multi-residue methods for the enforcement of EU MRLs for pesticides in fruit, vegetables and grain PCRD EU Terminé 29.02.1996 28.02.2000
96.0023-3 Phosphate and crop productivity PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.1997 28.02.2000
98.0058-3 ITUNet: International trials with users and networks from European testbeds PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0057-4 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
96.0108 SPOEC: Smart pixel optoelectronic connections PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.1996 28.02.2000
96.0383-2 LISCOM: Listening comfort system for hearing instruments and telephones PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1996 28.02.2000
95.0488-1a EXPERT: Platform for engineering research and trials PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1995 28.02.2000