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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▲ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
97.0288 SPHEAR: Speech, hearing and recognition PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2003
97.0238 YELLOWATSE: Policies for water savings in the Yellow River basin - A DSS applied to Ningxia and Shandong PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.08.2002
97.0284 ERBIC: Evaluating environmental Risks of Biological Control introductions into Europe PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.12.2002
97.0046 SOS-LBD: European study on standardisation of measurements of low back disorders PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2001
97.0021-1 VOTALP II: Vertical ozone transports in the alps PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0021-2 VOTALP II: Vertical ozone transports in the alps PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0040 SNIFFS: Steering role of infochemicals for food chain function and structure PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.05.2001
97.0135 EUREPORTING: Towards a European system of social reporting and welfare measurement PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2001
97.0182-2 INFLAME: Fire behaviour prediction - modelling and testing PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.08.2000
98.0179 MODEST: Multimedia objects descriptors extraction from surveillance tapes PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0223 EUROSTILL: A concerted European initiative towards the standardisation of the next generation still image compression PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.08.1999
98.0224-1 IMPACT: Implementation of agents for CAC on an ATM testbed PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0216 EU PVNB POT: Evaluation of the potential of pv noise barrier technology for the electric production and market share PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.1999
98.0057-1 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking for real time applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0057-2 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0057-3 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0057-4 DIANA: Demonstration of IP and ATM networking applications PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0058-1 ITUNet: International trials with users and networks from European testbeds PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0058-2 ITUNet: International trials with users and networks from European testbeds PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0058-3 ITUNet: International trials with users and networks from European testbeds PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0075 MARINE: Mobile agent environments in intelligent networks PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.12.1999
98.0087 BEAR: Indicators for monitoring and evaluation of forest biodiversity in Europe PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
98.0091 SUSIE: Charging for premium IP services in the European information infrastructures and services pilot PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.12.1999
97.0539 The industrial organisation of banking and financial markets in Europe PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.07.2002
97.0535 RAPIDE: Railway aerodynamics for passing and interactions with dynamic effects PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2001