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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▲ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
98.0168 DONET: Discrete optimization - Theory and applications PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2003
98.0176 The regulation of protein phosphatase 2A in signal transduction, cell cycle transit and malignant transformation PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2001
98.0199 COSSAC: Catalysis of sequence selective amide and peptide hydrolysis by antibodies and proteins PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2003
98.0008-1 European concerted action for the support of the hot dry rock geothermal energy R&D activities 1998-2000 PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2002
98.0008-3 European concerted action for the support of the hot dry rock geothermal energy R&D activities 1998-2000 PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 29.09.2001
97.0597 HAWK: Knowledge-based open publication model for intelligent media services PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 29.09.2000
97.0609-1 VPARK: A virtual amusement park PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 29.09.2000
97.0609-2 VPARK: A virtual amusement park PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 29.09.2000
97.0616 Control of metastatic growth by the cmet oncogene PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2001
97.0537-2 EUROFAN 2: European network for functional analysis of yeast genes discovered by systematic DNA sequencing - Phase 2 PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.07.2000
97.0558 NANOSNOM: Near Field Optics for Nanotechnology PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2002
97.0559 TOSS: Thermal and optical switching of molecular spin states PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 30.03.2002
98.0028 SONATA: Switchless optical network for advanced transport architecture PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1998 29.01.2000
97.0463 Quantum chromodynamics and the deep structure of elementary particles PCRD EU Terminé 24.03.1998 23.09.2002
98.0171-1 ACTSLINE: ACTS guideline consolidation / channeling and streaming towards market exploitations PCRD EU Terminé 15.03.1998 14.01.2000
98.0171-2 ACTSLINE: ACTS guideline consolidation / channeling and streaming towards market exploitations PCRD EU Terminé 15.03.1998 14.01.2000
97.0390-2 ADAMO: Adaptive antennas in mobile terminals for wireless broadband communications PCRD EU Terminé 14.03.1998 13.06.2000
95.0488-7 EXPERT: Platform for engineering research and trials PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0008 COBRA: Coupled bromine cheimstry affecting stratospheric ozone amounts PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 30.07.2000
97.0405-1 ERNDIM-QAP Phase II: Development of an european quality assurance program of analytical methods used in the detection of an monotoring of treatment of inherited disorders of metabolism PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 28.02.2000
97.0422 Induction of early protection against foot-and-mouth disease PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2002
97.0459 EMIT: Electromagnetic interactions in tunneling PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2002
97.0425 VISIONS: Integrated visions for a sustainable Europe PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 29.06.2001
97.0522-1 FRACTALS: Fractal structures and self-organization PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2003
97.0522-2 FRACTALS: Fractal structures and self-organization PCRD EU Terminé 28.02.1998 27.02.2003