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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▲ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
99.0661 MEDCOM: Microwave electro-acoustic devices for mobile and land based communications PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.05.2003
99.0675-1 INTERFACE: Multimodal analysis / synthesis system for human interaction to virtual and augmented environments PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0676-1 SONG: Portals of next generation PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 29.09.2002
99.0677-1 CROSSES: Crowd simulation system for emergency situations PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0678 E-TAILOR: Integration of 3D body measurement, advanced CAD and e-commerce technologies in the European fashion industry PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0679-1 JUST: Just-in-time health emergency interventions - Training of non-professionals by virtual reality and advanced IT tools PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.05.2003
99.0680-1 VIRTUAL: Virtual reality systems for perceived ergonomic quality testing of driving task and design PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0045 FASME: Facilitating administrative services for mobile Europeans PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 29.09.2001
99.0097-1 ASILUM: Advanced signal processing schemes for link capacity increase in UMTS PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2001
99.0097-2 ASILUM: Advanced signal processing schemes for link capacity increase in UMTS PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2001
99.0104 VIRTUOUS: Virtual home UMTS on satellite PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0116 BESTUFS: Harmonisation of strategies and highlighting best practice to determine optimum urban freight solutions PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2003
99.0135 CMOSSENS: Smart chemical gas sensor system fabricated in low cost CMOS technology with integrated electronics and hybrid sensitive layers PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0055-1 MC4: Manufacturing Cluster 4 PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2001
99.0055-2 MC4: Manufacturing Cluster 4 PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2001
99.0057 OCCAMM: Open components for controlled access to multimedia material PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2001
99.0058-1 GEOWARN: Geo-spatial warning systems - Nisyros volcano (Greece) - An emergency case study PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 29.06.2003
99.0058-2 GEOWARN: Geo-spatial warning systems Nisyros volcano (Greece) - An emergency case study PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 29.06.2003
99.0786-1 DELOS: A network of excellence on digital libraries PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 29.06.2003
99.0791-1 MURMUR: Multiple representations - multiple resolutions PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0791-2 MURMUR: Multiple representations - multiple resolutions PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0866 FRHYMAP: Flood risk scenarios and hydrological mapping PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.03.2002
99.0757 CANCER VACCINE: Development of a cancer vaccine combining DNA and specific glycoprotein/glycopeptide formulation of a tumour antigen PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0675-2 INTERFACE: Multimodal analysis / synthesis system for human interaction to virtual and augmented environments PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 30.12.2002
99.0676-2 SONG: Portals of next generation PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1999 29.09.2002