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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR ▼ Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
P2016-Eurostars-023 DR-Design - Computer software for automated design of discontinuity regions of structural concrete members SEFRI Terminé 30.09.2016 29.09.2018
P2016-Eurostars-022 PaveScan-4D - High-Density Pavement Scanning for Condition Monitoring of Roads SEFRI Terminé 31.08.2016 30.08.2018
P2016-Eurostars-021 LEAP - LEvitation Apparatus combined with neuromodulation to restore locomotion after spinal cord injury SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.01.2019
P2016-Eurostars-020 PERISCOPE - Improving Efficiency and Saving Lifecycle Costs in Public Buildings SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.07.2018
P2016-Eurostars-019 ADVANCRTM SEFRI Terminé 29.02.2016 27.02.2019
P2016-Eurostars-018 DEBORAH SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.03.2019
P2016-Eurostars-017 EDWIGE - Early detection of water-vapor instabilities by GNSS estimation. SEFRI Terminé 31.01.2016 30.12.2019
P2016-Eurostars-016 SafeSpindle - Modular cloud-based Condition Monitoring with shared intelligence for spindles and machine tools SEFRI Terminé 30.06.2016 30.12.2021
P2016-Eurostars-015 ViDiLas - Visible Diode Laser for treatment of eye diseases by laser coagulation. SEFRI Terminé 31.07.2016 29.04.2019
P2016-Eurostars-014 rosaGBS - Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Activators to Treat the Rare Disease Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 29.09.2018
P2016-Eurostars-013 SwirSense - Short wavelength infrared tunable laser for sensing applications SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 29.09.2018
P2016-Eurostars-012 WBPS - Wearable Blood Pressure System SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.03.2018
P2016-Eurostars-011 New PDEI drugs in wounds: Two highly potent, unique drug candidates targeting huge medical needs in wound healing SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.05.2019
P2016-Eurostars-010 USOSP - Ultrasonic Speed-of-Sound Platform SEFRI Terminé 14.03.2016 13.03.2018
P2016-Eurostars-009 LOCALGEN SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.03.2018
P2016-Eurostars-008 Intelligence_EYE SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2016 30.12.2019
P2016-Eurostars-007 PEARL: Infiltrating micro-sealant for preventive treatment of early non-cavitated caries SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.03.2019
P2016-Eurostars-006 MOSAICO - MOdular bioSensor platform for Autonomous Contaminants detection in wastewater SEFRI Terminé 29.02.2016 30.12.2019
P2016-Eurostars-005 ComFORMD - Combining Forward Osmosis with Reverse osmosis or Membrane Distillation for concentrating fouling feed streams SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2016 30.12.2019
P2016-Eurostars-004 CAPDRINKS - Development of environmental friendly onsite CO2 supply solution for the beverage industry SEFRI Terminé 29.02.2016 30.08.2018
P2016-Eurostars-003 ManiCode - Efficient Real-Time Generation and Coding of Manifold Augmented Video Data SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.03.2018
P2016-Eurostars-002 DEMOS - Development of Enhanced MagnetrOn Sputtering process for deposition of advanced coatings SEFRI Terminé 31.03.2016 30.12.2018
P2016-Eurostars-001 NebioSens - Increased traffic safety through the development of an advanced sensor for measuring fog and ice fog SEFRI Terminé 30.04.2016 30.12.2020
P2016-EURA-01 Beteiligung der Schweiz am 8. Forschungsrahmenprogramm FRP der Europäischen Union (Horizon 2020) SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2016 30.12.2020
P2016-CASA Center for Advanced Surface Analysis (CASA) SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2015 30.12.2016