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Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet ▼ Fin du projet
15.0076 Multi-Stimuli Responsive Molecular Systems and Materials SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 22.07.2019
15.0078 Urban anthropogenic heat flux from earth observation satellites SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 27.05.2018
15.0079 Integrated self-assembled SWITCHable systems and materials: towards responsive organic electronics - a multi-site innovative training action SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 25.09.2019
15.0081 Development and experimental validation of computational models for cavitating flows, surface erosion damage and material loss SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 16.05.2019
15.0082 Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 01.05.2019
15.0082-1 Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 01.05.2019
15.0083 Road-, Air and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 08.12.2019
15.0083-1 Road-, Air and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 10.11.2019
15.0102 EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 16.03.2020
15.0107 innovative Quality Of Experience maNagement in Emerging mulTimedia services SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 28.04.2019
15.0110 Postgraduate Research on Dilute Metamorphic Nanostructures and Metamaterials in Semiconductor Photonics SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 20.05.2019
15.0111 Directed Colloidal Structure at the Meso-Scale SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 20.05.2019
15.0114 Cost effective self-management of urinary incontinence addressed to women across Europe SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 17.03.2020
15.0087 Enforceable Security in the Cloud to Uphold Data Ownership SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 03.06.2018
15.0058 Waves and Wave-Based Imaging in Virtual and Experimental Environments SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 27.10.2019
15.0092 Distributed 3D Object Design SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 12.05.2019
15.0098 empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 03.06.2018
15.0099 Implementing the European Photonics21 PPP strategy SEFRI Terminé 31.12.2014 15.04.2018
7F-07632.03 Impact Study on the community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) program in Olancho, Honduras DDC Terminé 31.10.2017 30.12.2019
7F-03593.12 Agreement between SDC and UNESCO concerning the International Institute for Educational Planning DDC Terminé 30.04.2018 30.12.2021
7F-10241.01 Towards an innovative single-dose oral treatment for Sleeping Sickness DDC Terminé 28.02.2019 29.09.2020
7F-10034.01 Building Social Cohesion: Mapping and Analysis of Spaces of Dialogue and Participation in Northern part of Mozambique DDC Terminé 27.03.2019 30.12.2019
7F-09521.01 RUNRES, Phase 01 DDC En cours 30.04.2019 29.04.2023
7F-08339.02 WB EFO: The case of Senegal and Gambia Externally Financed Output DDC Terminé 24.04.2019 29.09.2020
7F-09802.01 Clean Air China Programme - Phase 1 DDC En cours 31.07.2019 30.07.2023