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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet ▼ Fin du projet
01.0452 VIS: Virus-induced gene silencing: unravelling the basis of a mechanism and its exploitation for the analysis of a multitude of individual gene functions in plants PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2005
02.0008 EUFIRELAB: Euro-mediterranean wildland fire laboratory, a 'wall-less' laboratory for wildland fire sciences and technologies in the euro-mediterranean region PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2006
01.0476-2 LACOPE: Landscape development, biodiversity and co-operative livestock systems in Europe PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2006
02.0030 SOLWATER: Cost effective solar photocatalytic technology to water decontamination and disinfection in rural areas of developing countries PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.03.2006
02.0072 TEMPQSIM: Evaluation and improvement of water quality models for application to temporary waters in southern European catchments PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 29.04.2006
02.0062-1 STOPFEN: Sea level, temperature and ocean circulation, past and future: a European network PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2006
02.0062-2 STOPFEN: Sea level, temperature and ocean circulation, past and future: a European network PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2006
01.0593 VOLTAIRE: Validation of multisensors precipitation fields and numerical modeling in Mediterranean test sites PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 29.04.2006
01.0591 LIBERAL: Lithium battery evaluation and research - accelerated life test direction PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.07.2006
01.0558 EMULATE: European and north atlantic daily to multidecadal climate variability PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 27.02.2006
01.0289-2 PABADIS: Plant automation based on distributed systems PCRD EU Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2003
C02.0012 Development of gametic embryogenesis for enhanced breeding progress in valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) COST Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2006
C02.0017 Novel inhibitors of vitamin B6-dependent enzymes acting in amine metabolism COST Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2007
7f-00382.03 ROSELT: Netzwerk Oekologische Überwachung DDC Terminé 31.10.2002 29.09.2006
47516 Projektkoordination "Nachhaltige Quartierentwicklung" OFEN Terminé 31.10.2002 29.04.2007
47038 Holz-WKK Vergasung, Bulle, adaptation et exploitation OFEN Terminé 31.10.2002 29.04.2004
2002 16-53 A 154000583 Erstellung von Indikatoren zur unbezahlte Arbeit - Satellitenkonto OFS Terminé 31.10.2002 30.12.2003
2002.256.2.64 Internes Radio-Monitoring: Ziele, Instrumente, Verfahren OFCOM Terminé 31.10.2002 30.10.2003
5917.2;9 FHS-ES Managing Multicultural Teams: Measures for building high-performance work teams in a diverse environment and an increasingly interdependent world INNOSUISSE Terminé 31.10.2002 28.02.2005
6043.1;9 KTS-IW INNOSUISSE Terminé 31.10.2002 13.02.2006
235.02.FP.010 Bestimmung der Variation des O2-Gehalts in Umgebungsluft METAS Terminé 31.10.2002 29.04.2004
6269.1;5 KTS-NM Nanocontainer INNOSUISSE Terminé 31.10.2002 25.06.2006
6091.1;5 KTS-NM TD-Sensor: Feasability study for the development of a Field-Sensor in Time and frequency Domain (SPEAG) INNOSUISSE Terminé 31.10.2002 25.06.2006
47636 Prüfstand für Kompaktlüftungsgeräte für Komfortlüftung OFEN Terminé 31.10.2002 30.01.2008
47258 Wärmerückgewinnung aus ARA-Wasser BHKW, Birsig, Oberwil-Therwil OFEN Terminé 31.10.2002 29.11.2002