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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet ▲
96.0079 WAVEFRONT: GPS/Water Vapour Experiment for regional Operational Network Trials PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
97.0549 SOFTICE: Survey on freight transport including a cost-comparison for Europe PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1997 29.09.1999
23465 Hauslieferdienst OFEN Terminé 31.08.1997 29.09.1999
VSS1997/049 OFROU RPT Terminé 15.04.1997 29.09.1999
95.0313-1 Basal ganglia mechanisms in motivation and learning PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1995 29.09.1999
96.0046-2 PHAGE CLUB: The biotechnological use and further development of phage display PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
98.0262 SPEAR: Standards progression supported by the European ad hoc researchers PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1998 29.09.1999
95.0628-2 EUNIDI: European Union Network for Investigation of Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy for Induction of Anti-Viral and Anti-Tumor Immunity and Transplantation Tolerance PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
95.0695 Development of gene therapy strategies for neurological diseases PCRD EU Terminé 30.06.1996 29.09.1999
97.0315 PLATFORM: Computer-controlled freight platforms for a time-tabled rail transport system PCRD EU Terminé 31.12.1997 29.09.1999
95.0036-1 PARFUM: Process control and air cleaner applications with recognition of gases and flavours using a smart microsystem PCRD EU Terminé 30.11.1995 29.09.1999
1.98.10 Evaluation einer Sarkoptes suis-Serologie mittels Serum zur Bestandesdiagnostik OSAV Terminé 31.12.1997 29.09.1999
96.0101 Biomolecular complexes mediating membrane biogenesis and translocation PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
66402 New generation of Hybrid Solar PVT collectors: Phase B OFEN Terminé 30.12.1997 29.09.1999
18565 Effizientere Energieerzeugung durch intelligente Regelung des Verbrennungsvorganges in Müllverbrennungsanlagen (IRK) OFEN Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
95.0804 Clinical, genetical and functional analysis of peripheral neuropathies: an integrated approach PCRD EU Terminé 31.03.1996 29.09.1999
1998.256.02.04 Modelle der Rundfunkregulierung für die Informationsgesellschaft Schweiz OFCOM Terminé 30.09.1998 29.09.1999
24245 Wettbewerbsprojekt Synergie OFEN Terminé 31.07.1997 29.09.1999
97.0401 MOCA: Motion capture PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1997 29.09.1999
97.0537-4 EUROFAN 2: European network for functional analysis of yeast genes discovered by systematic DNA sequencing - Phase 2 PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1997 29.09.1999
22626 Sanierung Sportanlage Ilanz OFEN Terminé 31.08.1997 29.09.1999
96.0285 Family change and the welfare state in Europe. Long-term developments, new challenges, and institution-building PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
99.0196-2 Bioresource large scale facility project PCRD EU Terminé 31.08.1999 29.09.1999
96.0049 Mechanisms of axonal growth in plasticity and regeneration PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999
95.0355 CANIGO: Canary Islands Azores Region - Particle Flux and Paleocanography in the eastern boundary current PCRD EU Terminé 30.09.1996 29.09.1999