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Liste de résultats

Résultats de la recherche

NR Titre Unité de recherche ▲ Etat du projet Début du projet Fin du projet
C00.0082 Use of molecular markers for the assessment of genetic stability in plants of the Rosaceae family: Prunus sp., Fragariae sp. and Rubus sp. COST Terminé 30.04.2001 30.12.2005
C00.0087 Entwicklung des Transitverkehrs-Systems und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Raumnutzung in der Schweiz COST Terminé 14.04.2001 13.08.2005
C00.0103 Einfluss von ungezäunten (Hochleistungs)-Zugsstrecken auf Wildtierpopulationen / Hauptuntersuchung COST Terminé 31.03.2001 29.09.2003
C00.0051 Hydrogen metabolism and transfer in acetate production from lactose by anaerobic thermophilic bacteria (Clostridium thermolacticum and Moorella thermoautotrophica) COST Terminé 31.03.2001 30.03.2004
C00.0061 Response of N availability to atmospheric CO2 enrichment in a mature forest COST Terminé 31.03.2001 30.10.2004
C00.0091 Development of High Affinity Pan-somastotin Receptor Ligands and their Labelling with Radionuclides for a Broader Application in Tumor Diagnosis and Internal Radiotherapy COST Terminé 28.02.2001 27.02.2003
C00.0104 Modelling P-runoff at the catchment level (Lake Sempach) COST Terminé 28.02.2001 29.04.2004
C00.0102 Deformation and damage of solder joints in electronic components COST Terminé 28.02.2001 27.02.2003
C00.0067 Recent growth trends in spruce and European beech forests - Roots, the hidden KEY players ? COST Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2004
C00.0069 Carbon binding of forests in a CO2-rich world COST Terminé 28.02.2001 30.12.2004
C99.0095 COST Terminé 31.01.2001 30.01.2003
C00.0090 e-vote: Analyse comparative des implications techniques et politiques COST Terminé 31.01.2001 30.07.2002
C00.0096 Metal Ion Complexes of Nucleic Acid Constituents with Potentials in Antiviral and Anticancer Therapy (MICAAT) COST Terminé 31.01.2001 27.02.2006
C00.0025 Radical Cyclization Reactions Using the Persistent Radical Effect (PRE) COST Terminé 31.01.2001 30.03.2003
C01.0015 Importance of Rhizosphere Bacteria-Grazing Protozoa for Diversity and Structure of Bacterial Communitites, Carbon Turnover and Plant Growth in Grassland Ecosystems COST Terminé 31.01.2001 30.05.2005
C00.0011 Toxins of agronomic important fungi and their interactions with biocontrol agents COST Terminé 31.12.2000 30.03.2004
C00.0038 Size Dependent Melting for Transient Liquid Phase Sintering of Nanoceramics COST Terminé 31.12.2000 29.04.2004
C00.0093 Präklinische Evaluation neuer Testsubstanzen und Studien zur Aufnahme und Wirkungsweise COST Terminé 31.12.2000 30.07.2002
C00.0083 Hydrogenases of dehalorespiring bacteria COST Terminé 31.12.2000 29.09.2004
C00.0086 Paramagnetic Substances in Diagnosis COST Terminé 31.12.2000 30.03.2006
C00.0088 Use of Radar Observations in hydrological and NWP Models COST Terminé 31.12.2000 30.12.2003
C00.0048 Antibiotic Substrate Specifity of Multidrug Efflux Pumps from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa COST Terminé 14.12.2000 13.12.2002
C00.0071 Representation of FEM-model by neural networks for optimisation of SLS-processes COST Terminé 30.11.2000 30.07.2002
C00.0081 Closed-Loop-Regelung eines virtuellen Umformprozesses COST Terminé 30.11.2000 30.05.2002
C00.0045 Cation-phi Interactions in Molecular Recognition of Quats COST Terminé 30.11.2000 30.08.2003