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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart ▼ Projektende
22.00199 Advanced Manufacturing of Bio-based Products for Urban outdoor applications through Innovative characterization, digital technologies and circular approach SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2026
22.00146 Scientific-Based Exposure and Risk Assessment of Radiofrequency and mm-Wave Systems from children to elderly (5G and Beyond) SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2025
4.22.02 Relevanz von Legionellen im kommunalen Wasserverteilungsnetz BLV In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2024
22.00175 European Research Infrastructures - Pathway to Improved Resilience and Digital and Remote Access SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 29.11.2024
22.00353 Innovative methodology to prevent and mitigate diffuse pollution from urban water runoff SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2026
22.00100 Scientific-Based Exposure and Risk Assessment of Radiofrequency and mm-Wave Systems from children to elderly (5G and Beyond) SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2025
22.00067 Mobile Artificial Intelligence Solution for Diabetes Adaptive Care SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2026
SI/502259-WP7 Policies for sector coupling and enhanced flexibility BFE In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 29.05.2026
22.00033 Predictive REagent-Antibody Replacement Technology stage 2-Translation SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2025
22.00065 Building EU-Africa partnerships on sustainable raw materials value chain SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 29.11.2025
22.00297 Fluently – The essence of human-robot interaction SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2025
22.00060 New GeneRation marinE ENgines and Retrofit solutions to Achieve methane abatement flexibilitY SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2027
B21.19 BLW In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 31.05.2026
60005.1 IP-ENG Hilti hand held cut-off grinding tools INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 31.05.2024
22.00181 Fluently – The essence of human-robot interaction SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2025
22.00101 The InteRnatIonal ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design materials, products and processes SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 29.04.2025
SI/502544-WP2 Set up and scale up BFE In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.12.2029
B22.05 Laktationsverlängerung Milchkühe BLW In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 31.05.2024
22.00075 Resilient Enhancement for the Silicon Industry Leveraging the European matriX SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2026
SI/502444 Swiss Battery Days 2022 BFE Abgeschlossen 31.05.2022 30.12.2022
54024.1 IP-SBM VirtualSomm - A sommelier in your pocket INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.11.2023
22.00086 5G expOsure, causaL effects, and rIsk perception through citizen engAgemenT SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.05.2027
0142005255 Statistik Humanforschung 2021-2025 BAG In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.12.2026
SI/502438 HYTMOB – Hydrogen Tank for Mobility BFE In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.10.2024
59215.1 IP-LS Nanomedicine-based targeted therapy of atherosclerosis INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.05.2022 30.11.2023