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NR ▼ Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart Projektende
98.0214 CAMELID-VNH: Structure, properties and biotechnological applications o VHH antibody fragments from camelids EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1998 29.09.2000
98.0213 Water and glycerol channels of the MIP family: structure, function, regulation and exploitation EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1998 30.12.2000
98.0212 Surveillance and diagnosis of ruminant tse EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.1999 30.10.2002
98.0211 European Scrapie Network EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.06.1998 29.06.2002
98.0208 OPTIRAILS EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 28.02.2000
98.0207 PATS: Pricing acceptability in the transport sector EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 30.08.2001
98.0202-2 INTERPRO: The creation of an integrated resource of protein domains and functional sites and its application to accelerate protein functional analysis EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1999 29.08.2000
98.0202-1 INTERPRO: The creation of an integrated resource of protein domains and functional sites and its application to accelerate protein functional analysis EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.07.1998 30.07.2000
98.0201 Cellular pathogenesis of prion diseases EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.05.1998 30.12.2001
98.0200 PURE: Public funding and private returns to education - a cross-country policy-oriented perspective on private benefits of education EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.10.1998 30.10.2000
98.0199 COSSAC: Catalysis of sequence selective amide and peptide hydrolysis by antibodies and proteins EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.1998 30.03.2003
98.0198-1 Serological identification of human tumor antigens as a basis for specific active immunotherapy of human neoplasms EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 29.09.2001
98.0195 Infectivity of blood components in experimental nvCjD: Towards a risk assessment for human blood EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.1999 29.04.2004
98.0194 Replication of micro- and nanostructures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.04.2000
98.0193-2 REMATOVI: Reduction of machine tool vibrations EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.2000
98.0193-1 REMATOVI: Reduction of machine tool vibrations EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.2000
98.0192-2 QuCuiSS: Quantum currents in silicon structures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.1999
98.0192-1 QuCuiSS: Quantum currents in silicon structures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1998 29.11.1999
98.0191 ALFAM: Ammonia losses from field-applied animal manures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.1999 30.03.2002
98.0190 EGDR: European gene vector database and repository EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1998 29.09.2000
98.0189 FLYSAFE: Flywheel safety workshop EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 27.02.1999
98.0188 SAMIME: Severe accident management implementation and expertise EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1998 29.03.2000
98.0186 DOLPHIN 2 EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.1998 28.02.2000
98.0185 Role of PrP in prion spread and establishment of central nervous system infection EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1998 27.02.2002
98.0184 TSECFAC: Analysis and function of 14-3-3 isoforms. Early diagnosis of Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.06.1998 29.06.2001