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NR ▼ Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart Projektende
00.0470 ODUPE: Optical devices using photosensitivity for their elaboration EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.2000 29.09.2004
00.0469 Euro + Med: European Initiative for the Euro + Med Plant Base EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.2000 30.12.2003
00.0468 VISPeR: Vehicle integral simulation for pass-by noise reduction (an innovative step towards low noise traffic emissions) EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.2001 28.02.2004
00.0467 SOLAR LOUVRE: Solar louvre building integrated collector EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.2000 29.06.2003
00.0466 EVAPCOOL: passive down draught cooling - development of key components EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.2001 29.11.2003
00.0460 OMNIITOX: Operational models and information tools for industrial applications of eco/toxicological impact assessments EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.2001 30.07.2004
00.0459 WANTED: Wireless area networking of terahertz emitters and detectors EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.2000 29.09.2003
00.0455 EUROPUB.COM: The transformation of political mobilisation and communication in European public spheres EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.2001 30.08.2004
00.0454 CONTINENT: High-resolution continental paleoclimate record in the Lake Baikal: a key-site for Eurasian teleconnections to the North Atlantic Ocean and monsoonal system EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.2000 30.10.2004
00.0453 HOT DRY ROCK ENERGY: European geothermal project to utilise hot dry rock / hot fractured rock resources: first phase of the construction of the scientific pilot plant. EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.2001 30.12.2004
00.0452-2 ELEDRIVE: Thematic network on fuel cell, electric & hybrid vehicles EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.2001 29.11.2004
00.0452-1 ELEDRIVE: Thematic network on fuel cell, electric & hybrid vehicles EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.2000 29.11.2003
00.0451 FUCHSIA: Fuel cell and hydrogen store for integration into automobiles EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2001 30.07.2004
00.0450 TORRENT: Technology for a realistic end user access network testbed EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.2001 28.02.2004
00.0449 GMOchips: New technology in food sciences facing the multiplicity of new released GMO EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.2000 30.12.2003
00.0448 MEMPHIS: Multilingual content for flexible format Internet services EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.2001 29.06.2004
00.0447-2 DACSEIS: Data quality of complex surveys within the new European information society EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.2001 30.07.2004
00.0447-1 DACSEIS: Data quality of complex surveys within the new European information society EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.2001 28.02.2004
00.0446-2 BURMA-X: Business relationship management for the eXtended enterprise EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2001 30.07.2003
00.0446-1 BURMA X: Business relationship management for the extended enterprise EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.2001 30.07.2003
00.0445 OXNORM: Optimizing the oxygen tension for in vitro cell work EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.2003 30.12.2003
00.0444-4 SYS-RESOURCE: A revision of the Neotropical Crambinae EU FRP Abgeschlossen 12.10.2002 11.11.2002
00.0444-1 SYS-RESOURCE: Systematics and zoogeography of european brown frogs EU FRP Abgeschlossen 12.01.2002 11.02.2002
00.0443 CONCORDE: Cell and moleculare basis of cortical development EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.2000 30.03.2004
00.0441 LEAF: Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics based on alkaline niobates EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.2001 28.02.2004