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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus ▲ Projektstart Projektende
22.00293 Studying the Earth's surface with seismic methods SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00290 Implementation of sustainable heat upgrade technologies for industry SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 27.02.2026
22.00240 Integrated SERvices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2027
22.00088 LAnd use and MAnagement modelling for SUStainable governance SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00298 SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth tReaths SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 27.02.2027
22.00256 Trans-disciplinary approaches for systemic economic, ecological and climate change transitions SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00262 Towards a functional continuum operating system SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00261 An interoperable Digital Twin Engine for science SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00265 Transforming Road Safety in Africa SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00283 ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00155 Transformation scenarios for boosting organic farming and organic aquaculture towards the Farm-to-Fork targets SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 27.02.2026
22.00306 Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2027
22.00331 Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies - Preparatory Phase SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.12.2025
22.00332 All Data 4 Green Deal - An Integrated, FAIR Approach for the Common European Data Space SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00313 Data and decentralized Artificial intelligence for a competitive and green European metallurgy industry SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00305 Artcast4D: Unleashing creativity! SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00301 Healthy Sailing: Prevention, mitigation, management of infectious diseases on cruise ships and passenger ferries SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00167 A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2025
22.00149 ANion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis from Low-grade water sources SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00204 CLOUD Doctoral Network SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00231 ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming SYstems through policy and business Strategies SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00215 Optimisation of nutrient budget in agriculture SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00325 Studying the Earth's surface with seismic methods SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 30.08.2026
22.00154 AI-Powered Manipulation System for Advanced Robotic Service, Manufacturing and Prosthetics SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.08.2022 27.02.2026