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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus ▲ Projektstart Projektende
22.00370 TOolkit for aDaptable, Resilient INstallations securing high Quality drinking water SBFI In Bearbeitung 30.11.2022 29.11.2026
22.00371 TOolkit for aDaptable, Resilient INstallations securing high Quality drinking water SBFI In Bearbeitung 30.11.2022 29.11.2026
22.00480 Together for RISc-V Technology and ApplicatioNs SBFI In Bearbeitung 30.11.2022 29.11.2025
22.00352 Closing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows SBFI In Bearbeitung 30.11.2022 29.11.2026
22.00591 Fostering capacity building for civic resilience and participation: Dialogic communication ethics and accountability SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.05.2023 30.05.2026
22.00569 Finding Agreement in Return SBFI In Bearbeitung 30.04.2023 30.10.2026
22.00525 Next generation imaging technologies to probe structure and function of biological specimen across scales in their natural context SBFI In Bearbeitung 30.04.2023 29.04.2028
23.00114 From one closed door to another: Cumulative discrimination and prejudice against marginalised groups in Europe SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.03.2023 30.03.2026
23.00017 Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe: Institutions, Interests and Policies SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.03.2023 30.03.2026
AST_2023_001 Schweizer Beitrag zu «CEDR Transnational Road Research; Pro-gramme Call 2022; «Data» ASTRA SBT In Bearbeitung 27.03.2023 30.12.2025
22.00311 Research Training to Design and Implement Tools Supporting Safe Teamwork in Healthcare SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00299 Research Training to Design and Implement Tools Supporting Safe Teamwork in Healthcare SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00271 Learning from animals how to regenerate: multidisciplinary training programme in regenerative biology SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00287 Combination therapy for the treatment of metastatic melanoma using magnetic nanoparticles SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00225 METAmaterials for VIbration and Sound reductION SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00474 A holistic framework with anticounterfeit and intelligence-based technologies that will assist food chain stakeholders in rapidly identifying and preventing the spread of fraudulent practices. SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2026
22.00196 Re-mediating the Early Book: Pasts and Futures SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00586 Transforming crafts knowledge for a sustainable, inclusive and economically viable heritage in Europe SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00494 Molecular Dynamics Data Bank. The European Repository for Biosimulation Data SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2026
23.00099 A holistic framework with anticounterfeit and intelligence-based technologies that will assist food chain stakeholders in rapidly identifying and preventing the spread of fraudulent practices. SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2026
22.00568 Unintentional discrimination detected and racism reveal and Deactivate SBFI In Bearbeitung 28.02.2023 27.02.2027
22.00516 ENsuring Secure and Safe CMD Design with Zero TRUST Principles SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00442 European Robotic Orbital Support Services In-Orbit Demonstration SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.03.2025
22.00427 Essential Asymmetries of Nature SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
22.00422 CO2MVS Research on Supplementary Observations SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025