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NR Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart ▲ Projektende
22.00491 AI4SoilHealth: Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
23.00065 A distributed data-mining software platform for extreme data across the compute continuum SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00496 GREENGAGE - engaging citizens - mobilizing technology - delivering the green deal SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00542 SUSTAINCELL: Durable and Sustainable component supply chain for high performance fuel cells and electrolysers SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2028
23.00019 Accelerated EuRopean clOud SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
23.00006 Flexible hybrid manufacturing solution for complex Structural COmpOsite Parts in certified markets. SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2023
22.00483 An Open Innovation Ecosystem for exploitation of materials for building envelopes towards zero energy buildings SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
23.00024 Development of a next generation AMmONia FC system SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00600 New remote non-invasive monitoring solutions for ensuring the health of mothers and babies before and after birth SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
103.108.1 IP-LS Hybridosomes to deliver drugs through the blood brain barrier INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.06.2024
23.00046 Semantic Low-code Programming Tools for Edge Intelligence SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00572 Verifying Emissions of Climate Forcers SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
101.014.1 IP-ENG A modular solution for ultra-high multiplexing spectroscopy to map the Universe INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.06.2024
22.00472 Transforming CO2 into added-value construction products SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
22.00578 New remote non-invasive monitoring solutions for ensuring the health of mothers and babies before and after birth SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
23.00062 Advances in Cost-Effective HV SiC Power Devices for Europe’s Medium Voltage Grids SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
62793.1 IP-LS Measurement of vital parameters in elderly by their hearing aid (Innolink: 101.732 IP-LS) INNOSUISSE In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.06.2027
22.00445 Personalised blueprint intestinal health SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
22.00590 Tools and methods for extended plant PHENotyping and EnviroTyping services of European Research Infrastructures SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2027
22.00530 Multi-scale, Multi-sensor Mapping and dynamic Monitoring for sustainable extraction and safe closure in Mining environments SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00523 A SYstem for reaL-time obserVation of Aeroallergens SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
22.00607 Development of a next generation AMmONia FC system SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00612 Next Generation of Trustworthy Agri-Data Management SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026
22.00623 OPEVA - OPtimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2025
22.00524 Switching european food systems for a just, healthy and sustainable dietary transition through knowledge and innovation SBFI In Bearbeitung 31.12.2022 30.12.2026