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NR ▲ Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart Projektende
07.11 Bäuerliche Haushalte unter dem Existenzminimum BLW Abgeschlossen 31.10.2007 30.12.2008
07.12 CORE ORGANIC BLW Abgeschlossen 31.08.2007 30.12.2011
07.12_1 BIO-INCROP - Innovative cropping techniques to increase soil health in organic fruit tree crops BLW Abgeschlossen 24.11.2011 18.05.2015
07.12_10 FertilCrop - Fertility building management measures in organic cropping systems BLW Abgeschlossen 31.12.2014 30.03.2018
07.12_11 Exploit biodiversity in viticultural systems to reduce pest damage and pesticide use, and increase ecosystems services provision (BIOVINE) BLW Abgeschlossen 28.02.2018 14.11.2021
07.12_12 Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic apple orchards and vineyards (DOMINO) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.03.2018 06.06.2022
07.12_13 Organic and biodynamic vegetable production in low-energy GREENhouses – sustainable, RESILIENT and innovative food production systems (GREENRESILIENT) BLW In Bearbeitung 01.04.2018 27.02.2022
07.12_14 MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic animal production (MIX-ENABLE) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.03.2018 29.05.2022
07.12_15 Proven welfare and resilience in organic pig production (POWER) BLW Abgeschlossen 30.04.2018 29.05.2022
07.12_16 Code of Practice for organic food processing (ProOrg) BLW Abgeschlossen 30.04.2018 06.06.2022
07.12_17 Promoting young stock and cow health and welfare by natural feeding systems (ProYoungStock) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.03.2018 12.05.2022
07.12_2 ICOPP - Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% of organic feed supply to pigs and poultry BLW Abgeschlossen 20.11.2011 18.02.2015
07.12_3 ProPIG - farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs BLW Abgeschlossen 20.11.2011 30.03.2015
07.12_4 TILMAN-ORG - Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems BLW Abgeschlossen 17.11.2011 11.01.2015
07.12_5 Softpest Multitrap BLW Abgeschlossen 31.12.2011 30.12.2014
07.12_6 CORE Organic II (ERA-Net) 2. Call True Common Pot - Improve-P BLW Abgeschlossen 31.12.2012 14.07.2016
07.12_7 2-ORG-COWS - Towards preventive health management in native dual-purpose cattle adapted to organic pasture based production systems via novel breeding strategies based on novel trait recording BLW Abgeschlossen 31.03.2015 31.10.2018
07.12_8 ECOORCHARD - Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards BLW Abgeschlossen 31.12.2014 31.10.2018
07.12_9 PrOPara - Tackling the parasitological challenges in organic ruminant farming practices BLW Abgeschlossen 01.03.2015 03.12.2018
07.13 Swiss consumers’ preference for Swiss fruits BLW Abgeschlossen 30.09.2007 30.06.2009
07.14_1 Development and validation of innovative diagnostic tools for the detection of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) (ERWINDECT) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.10.2008 30.01.2010
07.14_2 Strategies for Ambrosia control (AMBROSIA) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.10.2008 30.01.2010
07.14_3 Evaluation of the risk of spread of Scaphoideus titanus, the vector of Grapevine Flavescence dorée, with commercial grapevine propagation material BLW Abgeschlossen 31.10.2008 30.01.2010
07.14_4 Evaluation of factors determining distribution, impact, detection and characterization of fruit tree phytoplasmoses (APOPHYT) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.12.2012 30.12.2014
07.14_5 Damage potential of Drosophila suzukii and development of risk management and control measures (DROSKII) BLW Abgeschlossen 31.12.2012 29.05.2014