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NR ▲ Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart Projektende
C10.0117 Bioavailability in humans of micronutrients from biofortified plants COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2012 29.06.2014
C10.0123 Dilute-Nitride Quantum Wires and Quantum Dots for Nanophotonic Applications COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.10.2013
C10.0124 Hierarchical Control for Renewable Wind Energy Generation COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.03.2014
C10.0127 Metal ions in biological systems: uptake and speciation mechanisms relevant to their therapeutic or toxic potential. COST Abgeschlossen 31.08.2011 30.08.2013
C10.0128 Linking stable isotopes in tree rings and foliage with environmental data to study forest ecosystem changes COST Abgeschlossen 30.04.2011 29.09.2014
C10.0129 Genetic analyses of four closely-related plant-pathogenic Phytophthora species to infer their population structure, pathways of spread, and demographic history COST Abgeschlossen 30.04.2011 29.04.2013
C10.0132 Quality of Experience in 3DTV COST Abgeschlossen 30.04.2011 29.04.2013
C10.0134 HIPIMS for nanocomposite coatings COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 29.09.2012
C10.0135 Self-assembled bi-metallic magnetic pillar superlattices with enhanced blocking temperature COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.03.2014
C10.0137 Shrinking cities and urban regeneration in Switzerland COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 29.09.2013
C10.0139 Enhanced mobile ad hoc communication with content centric networks COST Abgeschlossen 30.04.2011 29.04.2014
C10.0140 Immunoglobulin transfer during colostrogenesis determines the immunological quality of colostrum in dairy cows COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.03.2013
C10.0143 Exploration of Novel Endogenous Endocannabinoid Binding site in GABAA receptors: Potential for Drug Discovery COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 29.06.2013
C10.0146 Molecular modelling of dendrimers-polypeptide fibril interactions for neurodegenerative diseases therapies COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.10.2013
C10.0148 Functional genomics of Xanthomonas arboricola pathovar pruni COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.05.2012
C10.0149 UMARS - Unmanned Meteorological Airborne Research System COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.05.2013
C10.0150 Designing and Evaluating 3D Knowledge Visualization Techniques for Urban Planning COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 29.06.2013
C10.0151 Addressing Complexity with footprint accounting and Network visualization while integrating open innovation in sustainability assessment of urban areas – AdCoNet COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.01.2013
C10.0152 Estimation procedures for the Swiss NFI using remote sensing data and growth models COST Abgeschlossen 31.03.2011 30.08.2014
C11.0024 Revealing the nature of the charge carriers in conducting organic polymers using reliable methods COST Abgeschlossen 31.10.2011 30.10.2014
C11.0026 Feasibility of novel distributed fibre optic sensors to natural and man-made geohazards monitoring COST Abgeschlossen 30.09.2011 29.09.2014
C11.0029 Mechanistic understanding of the distribution and transport of methane in sediment pore water using noble gases COST Abgeschlossen 30.09.2011 29.09.2013
C-11003-00-7 KATAPLAN BABS Abgeschlossen 20.01.2000 30.12.2002
C11.0031 Smarter Cities : New Urban Policy Model in the Making COST Abgeschlossen 31.12.2011 29.09.2013
C11.0034 Investigation of well-defined intermetallic and perovskite based catalysts for steam reforming of methanol and of ethanol to selectively produce hydrogen for fuel cell applications COST Abgeschlossen 31.12.2011 30.12.2014