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NR ▲ Titel Forschungsstelle Projektstatus Projektstart Projektende
97.0201-3 Stresses in beech EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.06.1998 30.08.2001
97.0205 Large scale integration of AC PV modules into a noise barrier along a highway near Amsterdam (PV NB 220) EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 29.09.2001
97.0206 AMADEUS: Advanced models for analytical design of European pavement structures EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 30.10.1999
97.0208 EGRAM: The European comparative gramineae mapping programme EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.09.1997 29.09.2000
97.0210 Dynamics of nano-fabricated superconducting circuits EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 30.12.2001
97.0217 New functional biopolymer-natural fibre-composites from agricultural resources EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.05.1998 30.05.2001
97.0221 FULPROP: Electronic structure and physical properties of novel fullerene-based materials EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 30.12.2002
97.0222 Sexual behaviour and risks of HIV infection in Europe - an integrated relationship-based survey protocol for the general population EU FRP Abgeschlossen 14.04.1997 13.11.1998
97.0224 ALT-MAT: Alternative materials in road construction EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 30.12.1999
97.0225 European vehicle passive safety network EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.1999 30.10.2001
97.0230 SMILED: Semiconductor microcavity light emitting diodes EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1997 30.12.2000
97.0231 CoBRA+: Computerised bibliographic record actions plus preservation and service developments for electronic publication EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.05.1996 29.11.1998
97.0232 MultiforRD: Multifunctional forestry as a means to rural development: establishing criteria for region specific strategies for balancing public demands and forest owners' objectives EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.01.1999 30.01.2002
97.0234-1 eRENA: Electronic arenas for culture, performance, arts and entertainment EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1997 30.08.2000
97.0234-2 eRENA: Electronic arenas for culture, performance, arts and entertainment EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.08.1997 30.10.2000
97.0237 RESYSMED: Synthesis of change detection parameters into a land-surface change indicator for long-term desertification studies EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.03.1998 30.08.1999
97.0238 YELLOWATSE: Policies for water savings in the Yellow River basin - A DSS applied to Ningxia and Shandong EU FRP Abgeschlossen 28.02.1998 30.08.2002
97.0247 Mechanism of action of Rhizobium nod factors EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.04.1998 29.04.2002
97.0249 TELENURSE ID: Telematics applications for nurses - integration dissemination European nursing terminology in information technology EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.06.1998 30.12.2000
97.0252 QUASI: Quantum simulations in industry EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 30.12.2000
97.0253 Role of protein kinases/phosphatases and their substrates in the regulation of mitotic events EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1998 29.09.1999
97.0254 ULTRAFAST: Ultrafast quantum optoelectronics EU FRP Abgeschlossen 30.11.1997 29.11.2001
97.0255 Testing and improvement of reconstructed skin kits in order to elaborate European standards EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.12.1997 30.12.2000
97.0257 MIDAS-NET Node EU FRP Abgeschlossen 31.05.1998 29.11.1999
97.0263 OPTIBLADE: Fan blade shape optimization by parametric CFD EU FRP Abgeschlossen 14.11.1997 13.10.1999